Monday, November 26, 2018

Laptop checkout

You asked:  Can we have longer loan periods for laptops?

Because of the high demand for laptops we have the 4-hour loan period to provide as much access as possible.  Laptops may be renewed in person if there is no waiting list. More about our technology lending program is here.  Both Jackson and Schiffman Libraries also have over 100 PCs available of range of software.
r student use with a wide

Monday, September 24, 2018

Whiteboard tables

You asked: Can we get whiteboard tables that we can write on?  They are really convenient.

We are planning to experiment with different types of furniture this year and we can certainly try these!

In the meantime check out our new group study areas on Tower 2, 3 and 4 with lots of whiteboard space. And we bought many new rolling white boards that are on all the floors in Jackson and Schiffman

Monday, September 10, 2018

Online renewal of technology

You asked:  Can we have online renewals for technology?

Because of the high demand for laptops, calculators, GoPros
and other technology we ask for in-person renewal.  Often there are students waiting for these items to become available and we want to be sure that everyone who needs one is able to check one out.

Online renewal is available for many other items including most books and some Audio-Visual Materials.  More information on how to renew online, including video tutorials, is here.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Online Renewal

You asked:  Can we have online renewals?

Online renewal is available for many items including most books and some Audio-Visual Materials.  More information on how to renew online, including video tutorials, is here.

Because of the high demand for laptops, calculators, GoPros and other technology  we ask for in-person renewal.  Often there are students waiting for these items to become available and we want to be sure that everyone who needs one is able to check one out.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Have a suggestion for the UNCG Libraries?

The Libraries would love to hear your thoughts about Jackson and Schiffman Libraries.  Let us know what you like and what we could do better!

You may submit a comment online or in the suggestion boxes on the first floor of Jackson Library across from the Check Out Desk, in the  Digital Media Commons on the lower level of Jackson and in the Harold Schiffman Music Library.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Online Renewal for Laptops

You asked:  Can there be online renewal for laptops?

Because of the high demand for laptops we ask for in-person renewal.  Often there are students waiting for a laptop to become available and we want to be sure that everyone who needs one is able to check one out.