Friday, November 16, 2012

24 Hour Space

You asked:  The Library should be open 24 hours.

Irma says: Jackson Library has a 24/5 space during the academic year. Because we have two entrances which would require additional staffing and security we aren't able to keep the entire building open.  We understand it's frustrating not to be able to get to the films or the Digital Media Commons!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Book and film suggestions

Irma says:  You all are super about giving us film and book suggestions.  Please keep it up!  We try to fulfill as many as we can.  Remember to check the Libraries catalog (red box on the home page)  to see if your request is here.  And don't forget about the "new films" page on the Irma's World blog.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


You said, I love this library and its resources and helpful staff.  But please get more cameras.  "UNCG's Library is the best." 

Irma says:  Thank-you so much for the kind words!  We really appreciate you taking the time to tell us.  We will definitely look into purchasing more cameras.