This time we asked the question! We wanted feedback on our new
Digital Media Commons in the lower level of Jackson Library.
Check out the DMC today for help with all kinds of media projects:
videos, podcasts, Powerpoint, Prezi and web pages!
You asked: May we please check out three DVDs at a time rather than two?
Irma says: We set the policy at two to provide maximum access for everyone. Our DVD's have a high circulation rate -- in fact we checked out almost 60,000 last year! And, as you can imagine, everyone wants the most recent films at the same time. So this way more people have a crack at popular films.
You asked: I was trying to use the computers in the Library but it was so noisy I had to leave.
Irna says: We're very sorry you had problems with noise. In general, the first floor is not going to be a quiet area since people are coming and going and staff are helping customers. We have designated quiet areas on floors 6-9 ( and there are computers there) and in the Trice alcove in the Reference Room on the first floor.